Newcastle to London: which is the best way to travel in 2024?

Thousands of people travel between these two cities each day. But which is the best way to make the journey between Newcastle and London?

There are many options to choose from. But a lot will depend on your personal preferences and circumstances at the time of travel.

This guide should help you decide which method of transport is best for you in 2022.

How far is London from Newcastle?

London is located approximately 248 miles away from Newcastle city centre, as the crow flies.

277 road miles separate these two cities.

The time it takes to travel from Newcastle to London varies significantly depending on the chosen method of transport. The time of day can also significantly impact the journey time, particularly when travelling by road.

How to travel from Newcastle to London?

The most common ways to travel from Newcastle to London are by train, plane, car and bus/coach. Here we look at each method of transport and answer some frequently asked questions about this popular journey.

Newcastle to London by train

Newcastle Central Station platform

Going by train to London from Newcastle is a popular choice, due to the reliability of this method of travel in general.

There are loads of trains making this journey each and every day of the week. In fact, there are approximately 43 trains per day linking Newcastle with the capital. 

Although it takes longer to travel to London from Newcastle by train when compared to flying, there is no need to check in at least one hour before departure.

It’s also often a preferable option for those looking to depart from the centre of Newcastle and arrive in the centre of London. 

How long does a train from Newcastle to London take?

The train from Newcastle Central Station to London Kings Cross takes around 3 hours, with the average route time being 3 hours 11 minutes. However, the fastest journey by train from Newcastle to London takes only 2 hours and 36 minutes.

Journey times vary depending on the time of day and which routes are running at any particular time. Some schedules have more stops than others and can take over 4 hours from start to finish. 

How much does a train from Newcastle to London cost?

Train tickets in the UK can vary dramatically in price.

A lot depends on the time of day you plan to travel and which day of the week your journey will be on.

To get the cheapest fares, it’s always best to book several weeks in advance.

The cabin class you would like your seat to be in will also greatly impact the price of your ticket.

Typically, the cheapest tickets are standard cabin seats for off-peak journey times booked several weeks or months in advance of the departure date.

If all three of these conditions are met, you can expect to pay from as little as £14.00 for a one way ticket from Central Station in Newcastle to London’s Kings Cross.

Tickets purchased closer to the departure date can cost a lot more, even during off-peak times and of course, First Class tickets will also come at a more premium price.

Is there a direct train from Newcastle to London?

Direct train from Newcastle to London

The majority of train routes from Newcastle to London are direct in the sense that there is no need to change trains part way through the journey.

However, there are some routes which require a change – so be sure to keep an eye out for this when looking at the different fare options and booking your ticket.

The number of calling points that the train will stop off between Newcastle and London will vary. Some of the quicker routes will only stop off at a couple of other stations along the way whereas other routes will take longer as they stop at a greater number of calling points.

The fastest routes are those which go directly from Newcastle Central Station to London Kings Cross without stopping at all along the way. 

What time does the first train from Newcastle to London depart?

The first train from Newcastle to London departs at 04.45 during weekdays and on Saturdays. 

On Sundays, the first train departs at 07.55.

What time does the last train from Newcastle to London depart?

London King's Cross Station

The last train from Newcastle to London departs at between 22:45 and 22:54 during weekdays (Monday to Friday and on Saturdays, the departure time for the last train is 19:35. 

On Sundays, the last train from Newcastle Central Station to London King’s Cross departs at 20:33.

Which train companies operate between Newcastle and London?

The majority of the trains from Newcastle to London King’s Cross are operated by LNER.

However, each day there are a number of trains operated by Lumo, which is a new, all-electric train operator, offering some very competitive fares.

Newcastle to London flights 

Newcastle to London flight

Many people prefer to fly to a destination, rather than go by train, if this option is available to them. The actual journey time will be shorter but it’s important to always factor in the extra time needed to check in before your flight.

Going by plane is the obvious choice for those looking to transit in Heathrow airport and fly on to another destination.

But if you are looking to reach the centre of London directly, there could be better options to choose from.

Heathrow Airport is located quite far outside of the centre of London and Newcastle Airport is also situated outside of the city centre.

Therefore, it can be quicker to reach central London from Newcastle by train, when taking the total journey time into account.

Is there a direct flight from Newcastle to London?

There are several direct flights from Newcastle International Airport to London Heathrow Airport each day. 

How long a flight from Newcastle to London take?

The direct flight time from Newcastle to London Heathrow is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.

How much does a flight from Newcastle to London cost?

Ticket prices for a flight from Newcastle to London will vary depending on the date and time of travel.

The chosen cabin class and also how far in advance the ticket was booked will also impact the price of the ticket.

A guide price would be between £40 and £100 per economy ticket, if booked sufficiently in advance. 

What time does the first flight from Newcastle to London depart?

Heathrow Terminal 5

The first flight from Newcastle International Airport to London Heathrow departs at around 06.00, 7 days per week.

What time does the last flight from Newcastle to London depart?

The last flight from Newcastle International Airport to London Heathrow departs at around 20.00 – 20.30, Monday through to Saturday.

On Sundays, the last flight from Newcastle to London departs earlier than on other days of the week.

Typically the last flight on Sunday will depart between 15.30 and 17.00.

Which airlines operate between Newcastle and London?

British Airways is currently the only airline operating a direct flight between Newcastle and London.

Newcastle to London by bus

Newcastle to London by bus

The cheapest way for a solo traveler to reach London from Newcastle is by bus. This is also the slowest way to go from Newcastle to London, when compared with the other options featured in this guide. 

Is there a direct bus from Newcastle to London?

There are no buses that travel directly from Newcastle to London without making stops on the way. But there are many buses available in which passengers can board at Newcastle and get off at London, without leaving the vehicle.

The bus will just stop along the way at several pre-determined stops to allow other passengers to embark and disembark.  

How long does a bus from Newcastle to London take?

The time it takes to travel from Newcastle to London by bus can vary depending on the time of day.

The shortest duration is likely to be around 6 hours 40 minutes, whereas the average time is typically around 7 hours 30 minutes.

How much does a bus from Newcastle to London cost?

UK pounds

As mentioned before, the bus is the cheapest way to travel from Newcastle to London. One way tickets can be purchased for as little as £9.99, just a couple of days prior to departure.

Even cheaper tickets can be purchased if the booking is made well in advance or if a promotion is available at the time.

What time does the first bus from Newcastle to London depart?

The first bus from Newcastle to London departs around 01.00. After that, there are regular departure times from around 6.00 onwards. 

What time does the last bus from Newcastle to London depart?

The last bus from Newcastle to London departs around 23.55. Schedules can vary depending on which bus operator you choose to travel with.

Which bus companies operate between Newcastle and London?

The two most popular bus companies which operate between Newcastle and London are Megabus and National Express. Flixbus are another operator which cater to those looking to travel from Newcastle to the capital.  

Newcastle to London by car

Newcastle to London by car

Travelling by car to London from Newcastle can be a convenient and comfortable option for many people.

Although it will take longer when compared to flying or going by train, it can work out as a cheaper alternative.

This is particularly true when there are several people travelling in the same car. 

How long does it take to drive from Newcastle to London?

The time it takes to drive from Newcastle to London is around 5 hours and 10 minutes.

This can vary depending on the time of day and the day of the week of your journey.

It will also vary depending on exactly where in Newcastle you are departing from and the specific location in London in which you will arrive. 

Which is the best route from Newcastle to London by car?

The quickest road route from Newcastle to London involves driving down the A1. An alternative route, which takes longer, involves the A19.

Newcastle Uncovered